Critique du théologico-politique – Invention de la modernité et esquisse d’une raison islamique pour les cent prochaines années Réda Benkirane, Islam, à la reconquête du sens. Paris, Le Pommier, 512 pages, 2017. Nouvelle édition, Casablanca, La Croisée des Chemins, 544 pages, 2021. « Ce livre expose la vision d’un islam sécularisé et d’une … Lire plus / Read more
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam by Muhammad Iqbal ‘An act is temporal or profane if it is done in a spirit of detachment from the infinite complexity of life behind it; it is spiritual. if it is inspired by that complexity.’
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam by Muhammad Iqbal Scholastic philosophy has put forward three arguments for the existence of God. These arguments, known as the Cosmological, the Teleological, and the Ontological, embody a real movement of thought in its quest after the Absolute. But regarded as logical proofs, … Lire plus / Read more