Sites et autres systèmes d’information en ligne créés par R. Benkirane.
Websites and other online information systems designed by R. Benkirane.
@rchipress (1996)
Radicalisation, violence & insécurité au Sahel / Radicalization, violence & (in)security in the Sahel (2018)
Fondation Orient Mont Pèlerin (2018)
Atelier de recherche Iqbal (2012)
Aljazeera Centre for Studies (2006-2009)
non disponible / not available
Club Suisse de la Presse / Geneva Press Club (2004-2012)
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF extranet, 2004-2006)
Ecumenical Church Loan Fund (ECLOF, 2003-2006)
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (2001-2002)
Programme on Dispute Settlement in International Trade, Investment and Intellectual Property (UNCTAD/UN, 2001-2002)
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (UNCTAD/UN, 2000-2001)
Coordinated African Programme of Assistance on Services (CAPAS/UNCTAD, 2001)
Prix quadriennaux de la Ville de Genève
Département des Affaires culturelles de la Ville de Genève (1998-1999)
Genève, Musées et Centres d’art / Geneva, Museums and Art centers
Département des Affaires culturelles de la Ville de Genève (1998-1999)
Human Resources Intranet Site, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC, European Headquarters, 1997)